We're excited to share that Lision's Darkness is taking shape, and we're deep in the discovery phase. At SevenDiamonds.org, our team is hard at work creating a unique world for you to explore.
While we can't spill all the beans just yet, we promise to keep you posted on our progress. A thrilling dark fantasy adventure is on the horizon!
Lots and lots of worldbuilding this month, really fleshing out locations and dividing regions of our world map. We are doing research into design studies as well. To uderstand game design just a little better.
We are just testing our first inside maps and doing lots of sketches for areas, enemies and artboards. Simply loads of stuff to be done.
We are doing some very cool work on camera controls, working out more and more areas of the game world and getting a better understanding of the scope of our project. Also starting work on the storyboarding and writing a bit of dialogue, a daunting task to say the least.
The first sketches of the world of Lision are coming along quite nicely, in tandem with the development of character controllers and more setup for easier game design in later stages is some of the progress we are making right now.
After some meetings we are further discussing the scope of the game, to see where we might end up later down the road. Also discussing some of our ideas with a couple of people interested in the project. Exciting times for sure!
We have been working on a couple of systems, setting up Unity and testing some idea's regarding the camera behaviour that we would like to implement in Lision's Darkness. We are aiming for a unique 2.5D camera view which adds some dimension to our sprites.
Important anouncement! Lision's Darkness is being revived in our new favorite engine: Unity! Here we will focus exclusively on the RPG that will be seeing the light of day after being dormant for some time. Preparations are being made and soon development will begin for a minimum viable product. Stay tuned for more updates, for monthly updates you can subscribe to our newsletter below, thanks!